ETA is organizing together with the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) and the Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association of Europe (SeaEurope) a workshop on the Challenges and Opportunities for the Competitiveness and Resilience of the Maritime Technology Industry in the light of geopolitics and the twin green/digital transition. This event is taking place on the 19 of September, at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels, within the context of the European Shipping Summit

The workshop will analyse the current international position of the European Maritime Technology Industry, the challenges it is facing in its competition with other markets, the relevance of an international level playing field and the political and funding measures that it needs to prosper in the global market. Find below a list of the speakers:

Fotini Ioannidou, Head of Unit DG MOVE.
René Berkvens, Chair of SEA Europe and former CEO Damen Shipyards.
Egil Haugsdal, Former President Kongsberg Maritime.
Karin Orsel, Vice Chair ECSA and CEO MF Shipping Group.
Kimmo Lehto, Chair ETA Technical and Nautical Committee.
Anna Maria Darmanin, Secretary General of the European Tugowners’ Association.
Christophe Tytgat, Secretary General of SEA Europe, the Shipyards’ and Maritime Equipment Association.
Marie-Caroline Laurent, CLIA Director General Europe.

You can register for this workshop here. Find here the programme of the event. 

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