The European Tugowners Association is supporting the ITS Tugtechnology Webinar Week, which will take place between the 29th and the 31st of March. The online events will focus on green marine propulsion, safety and stability, data and digitalisation. These webinars are free-to-attend. Those who register will also receive copies of webinar materials post event.

The webinar week is organised by the publishers of the International Tug & Salvage magazine and the organisers of the ITS Convention & Exhibition and the TUGTECHNOLOGY Conference. Find below the agenda:

Monday 29th of March, 13:30-14:15 BST: How tug operators are preparing for a new era in green marine propulsion

Tuesday 30th of March, 13:00-13:45 BST: Tug vessel classification and design: safety, stability and notations

Wednesday 31th of March, 13:00-13:45 BST: Smart tug operations: harnessing data and digitalisation

You can find more information on this event and register here


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