21 September 2017
An alliance of 30 EU transport organizations presented today a campaign to increase Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding to improve EU transport infrastructure. With the slogan “More EU budget for transport, the best investment plan for Europe” the campaign demands a stronger CEF budget, the necessary changes to address the Facility´s funding shortcomings and the completion of the TEN-T network by 2030.
CEF supports the development of interconnected trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services. The Facility specifically funds the construction of the trans-European corridors which will become the spine of the European transport system. Completing the TEN-T network will create 10 million extra jobs by 2030. Every billion invested in the core network will create close to 20,000 new jobs.
“It is essential for ETA to participate in this campaign and strengthen the voice of the transport and logistics sector. Our industry´s future relies on the governments capacity to improve ports´ infrastructure and connectivity with their hinterlands. As these projects require heavy public financing and do not often generate a quick return on investment, it is essential to increase CEF budget. Sufficient CEF funding is the best guarantee for the completion of the TEN-T network in due time which could give the EU economy a big competitiveness boost“ says Anna Maria Darmanin, ETA Secretary General.
Download here the campaign leaflet.
The 30 European transport associations involved in the campaign are:
ACI EUROPE – Airports Council International Europe; ASECAP – Association Européenne des Concessionnaires d’Autoroutes et d’Ouvrages à Péage; A4E – Airlines for Europe; CER – Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; CLECAT – European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services; CLIA EUROPE – Cruise Lines International Association; EBA- European Boatmen’s Association; EBU – European Barge Union; ECASBA – European Community Association of Shipbrokers and Agents; ECF – European Cyclists’ Federation; ECG – The Association of European Vehicle Logistics; ECSA – European Community Shipowners’ Associations; EFIP – European Federation of Inland Ports; EIM – European Rail Infrastructure Managers; EMPA – European Maritime Pilots’ Association; ERFA – European Rail Freight Association; ESC – European Shippers’ Council; ESO – European Skippers’ Organisation; ESPO – European Sea Ports Organisation; ETA – European Tugowners Association; EuDA – European Dredging Association; EUROPLATFORMS E.E.I.G – The European Association of Logistics Platforms; EUMETNET – European National Meteorological Services Network; FEPORT – The Federation of European Private Operators; INE – Inland Navigation Europe; IRU – International Road Transport Union; POLIS – European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions; UIP – International Union of Wagon Keepers; UIRR – International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport; UNIFE – The Association of the European Rail Industry.