ETA is organising its next Sustainable Conference in Brussels, on the 2nd of February (10.00 – 12.30) at the BIP Meeting Center, right next to the Royal Palace (Rue Royale 2-4). The theme of the event will be Electrification and Digitalization of the towage industry.
The use of electricity in the shipping industry, through batteries and shoreside power supply, will play an essential role in the reduction of emissions. There have been big developments in the last years that have made electrification a promising alternative to fossil fuels. Moreover, the sector´s constant adoption of digital technologies has facilitated the smart and efficient use of electricity, helping the industry reduce its carbon footprint.
The scope of the conference would be to explore the realities linked to the electrification of tugs, its state of play and the necessary action policy makers and the industry need to define and implement in order to support this process.
The ETA Secretariat is bringing together a panel of specialists from different sectors, such as port authorities, shipyards and European policy makers. They will outline the last developments in the electrification of vessels and the use of electricity at terminals and the synergies digital technologies can generate when used together with batteries or shoreside power supply systems.
You can find the agenda here.
Full and associate members interested in participating can already register by sending an email to [email protected].