ETA, together with 9 EU associations signed a letter calling for a change of the legislative framework in which the container shipping lines are able to cooperate and therefore for a revision of the extension of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation.

This 10 associations asked the EU Commission in July for a review of CBER which was responded by the EC with a the ‘Call for Evidence’ published on 9 August. The 10 associations, representing the businesses that are users of liner shipping services or provide services to these, argue that there have been enormous changes that have occurred in the container shipping market since the last renewal of the Regulation in 2020. These have shown that the nature of the Block Exemption has allowed carriers to benefit from important market developments. Furthermore, these benefits are not being fairly shared with the different actors in the industry and the consumers as it is the objective of the CBER.

Thus, the letter signatories call for “a change of the legislative framework in which the container shipping lines are able to cooperate and therefore not for an (unaltered) extension of the de Consortia Block Exemption Regulation”.

You can find the joint letter here.

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