The Maltese government aims to bring the maritime sector back in the spotlight of the EU agenda during its 6 months Presidency of the EU Council. As an island nation and a shipping power, Malta aspires to use next semester and the EU Maritime Year to create momentum for big a leap concerning the EU maritime legislation and policy.
Thus, the Maltese Presidency expects to finalize the approbation of the Passenger Safety Package, the Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and especially to boost the coordination work that the EU has carried out with IMO during the last years. Concerning this last point, the EU Council will deal with important dossiers as the shipping emissions or the update of the Port Reception Facilities Directive. In both cases, the intention of the Maltese Presidency is to keep the momentum to work on this legislation and to avoid any regional measures that could create additional legal incoherences with the taken by the IMO.
EU Council members will also debate on the recently published Ocean Governance Agenda and the latest EU Commission Communication on the Integrated Maritime Policy Union. What is more, the Presidency expects to initiate a debate on two important elements for the shipping industry, the digitalization of the sector and the European Single Window and the implementation of the TEN T Network and the Motorways of the Sea.
Stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss and meet with policy makers in a high level event organized by the Presidency in Malta. The conference which will take place on the 28th and 29th of March will focus on increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of the EU maritime sector. The discussions will be followed by a declaration signed by the 28 EU Council members which shall establish a pathway for future EU initiatives.
You can download the document with the Maltese Presidency Priorities here