ETA, together with 44 European transport organisations, urges EU policymakers to uphold a strong, centrally coordinated transport funding instrument to address Europe’s infrastructure, resilience, and decarbonisation challenges.

A well-functioning, integrated transport network is essential to maintaining Europe’s supply chain sovereignty and enabling the shift to a net-zero economy. European-level funding ensures investments of high EU-added value, tackling cross-border bottlenecks, improving intermodality, and supporting the long-term competitiveness of the transport sector. Therefore, the transport sector urges the Member States and the Commission to choose for an approach that strengthens Europe, to preserve a strong and centrally coordinated dedicated European transport funding instrument that prioritises investments of high European added value, and to refrain from jeopardising the future and competitiveness of Europe’s transport network, which is fundamental to achieve Europe’s priorities.

Read the joint letter here.

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