During the first 2017 meeting, the 22 members of the newly-born I AM Industry Alliance of transport chain stakeholders have agreed upon their common vision regarding multimodality, connectivity, logistics and growth and will start to work on the following issues:
– Reduction of air pollution: Decarbonisation, NOx and sulphur emissions;
– Intermodality: Combined Transport Directive, interoperability and Inland Waterways connections;
– Digitalization: E-transport documents and the Reporting Formalities Directive.
The next plenary meeting of the Alliance will take place during the TOC Europe conferences to be held in Amsterdam from 27-29 June 2017. The meeting will be dedicated to a first evaluation of the work done by the members of the Alliance as well as to the adoption of the roadmap for 2018; in view of the multimodal year.
Why Multimodality?
For the members of the Alliance, policy makers should give more attention to multimodality.
No cargoes reach consumers while using a single mode of transport. Efforts should therefore be mobilized to facilitate seamless and sustainable operations involving different modes of transport.
Why Connectivity?
If cargo reaches a port and cannot continue its journey then this is most probably due to the fact that multimodal connections linking ports to the hinterland are not optimal or sufficient. Members of the Alliance will focus on those measures allowing modes, nodes and industrial clusters to be better connected.
Why Logistics?
Logistics is the cement that links operations aiming at ensuring that cargo reaches its point of destination as requested by customers. It is a key enabler sector for the European Economy.
A 10- 30% improvement in efficiency in the EU logistics sector would potentially equal a 100 – 300 billion € cost relief for European industry .
Efficiency in logistics will remain an important topic of the Alliance agenda given its crucial role for the further growth of an economically, socially, environmental, and socially sustainable industrial activity.
Why Growth?
Growth is the only way to reconcile the EU with long term recovery and should therefore be a priority for all EU institutions and businesses. All signing organizations believe that multimodality, connectivity and logistics are enablers which can play key roles to restore growth in Europe.
ETA is part of the Industry Alliance since its conception and actively participates in the definition of its views. As the partnership representing the whole logistics chain associations, its position´s impact is exponentially higher. The ETA Secretariat is glad to foster cooperation and information exchange with its stakeholders and envisages a stronger voice for the Transport and Logistic sectors within the EU policy making process. Through continuous discussions this new Industry Alliance can strengthen the relations between its members and become a common voice for a sector which faces shared challenges.
The Industry Alliance for Multimodal Connectivity and Logistics, launched last December, is a platform formed by 22 EU industry associations that represent the totality of the transport modes and logistic chain.
The Industry Alliance for Multimodal Connectivity and Logistics brings together the following organizations:
AIVP – The worldwide network of port cities; BIC – Bureau International du Conteneur ; CLECAT – European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services; EBU – European Barge Association; the European Boatmen’s Association ; ECASBA – European Community Association of Ship Brokers and Agents; ECG – The Association of European Vehicle Logistics; ECSA – European Community Shipowners’ Association; EFIP -European Federation of Inland Ports; EMPA – European Maritime Pilots’ Association; ESPO – European Sea Ports Organisation; ESC – European Shippers Council; ETA – European Tugowners Association; EuDA – European Dredging Association; FEPORT, the Federation of European Private Port Operators; ICHCA International – the global cargo handling NGO; IRU -International Road Transport Union; PEMA -Port Equipment Manufacturers Association; Sea Europe, the Ships and Maritime Equipment Association; UIP – International Union of Wagon Keepers; and UIRR -International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport, UNISTOCK – European association of professional portside storekeepers for agribulk commodities.