ETA info and factsheets

As part of its communication activities, ETA Secretariat designed a new of type of publication summarizing EU related information: Factsheets and infosheets. This succinct documents aim at informing our members and stakeholders on different relevant EU related topics. With these informative notes ETA Secretariat intends to give a clearer oversight Read more…

By Juan

Updated Position on the Draft Regulation on Port Services

Members of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament have started to discuss the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on market access to port services and financial transparency of ports following over 700 amendments tabled and compromise amendments proposed by Rapporteur Knut Fleckenstein (S&D) for the Read more…

By Juan

Guidelines For Safe Harbour Towage Operations

This document is intended to portray tug’s operational safety issues for the attention of all those concerned, mainly Pilots, Masters of vessels being assisted, their bridge teams and mooring parties. In February 2011, the European Tug owners’ Association (ETA) and the European Maritime Pilot’s Association (EMPA) jointly issued a document Read more…

By Juan