More EU Budget for Transport, the coalition of more than 40 EU transport associations supporting a strong EU budget for transport after 2020 launched its own website, twitter account and petition.
With this action the public campaign is stepping up its efforts in view of the current debates at the EU level on the new Multi-annual Financial Framework (MMF) and the next TEN-T DAYS conference (Ljubljana 25-27th April).
As the current MMF is close to its end in 2020, the Commission is preparing the budgetary proposal for the next MMF 2021-2027 and for the next generation of EU funds among which, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). CEF supports the development of the trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services and it is critical for the completion of the TEN-T corridors and especially the removal of the existing transport bottlenecks.
ETA joined the More EU budget for Transport coalition to strengthen the maritime representation in this campaign and ensure that the next CEF programme will have sufficient funding to reach its goals, the realization of the core trans-European network by 2030.
“The maritime towage industry is committed to promoting and strengthening the profile of the European transport and logistics sector. The future of our industry is partly dependant on the political will to support and encourage long-term projects to improve port infrastructure and hinterland connectivity. This will require significant CEF funding, facilitating timely completion of the TEN-T network, and thereby supporting the construction and upgrading of transport infrastructure across the EU” says Leendert Muller, ETA Chairman.
The success of this campaign depends also on your support, so we would like to ask you to sign our petition for more targeted budget and programs for EU transport here.
Follow the campaign on Twitter (@MFF4transport) and via the website and spread the word.