IMO agrees on an emissions reduction strategy

Over 170 countries reached agreement on Friday (13 April) to reduce CO2 emissions from shipping at the last IMO MEPC meeting. After two weeks of negotiations, developing and developed countries signed a compromise to diminish GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008. This historic decision aims Read more…

By Juan,

More EU Budget for Transport: sign the petition

More EU Budget for Transport, the coalition of more than 40 EU transport associations supporting a strong EU budget for transport after 2020 launched its own website, twitter account and petition. With this action the public campaign is stepping up its efforts in view of the current debates at the Read more…

By Juan,

ETA 55th Annual Meeting, Antwerp 16-18th of May

ETA 2018 Annual Meeting will take place from the 16 to the 18th of May in the Belgian port city of Antwerp. As every year the 3 days event will consist of several activities for ETA delegates and partners which will combine excellent networking opportunities, an appealing conference and social activities Read more…

By Juan,

ETA participates in the first meeting of the EU Ports Forum

ETA participated in the first European Ports Forum (EPF) meeting, which was held on the 11th December in Brussels. The EC-launched group of experts in the field of maritime policy brings together 16 representatives of specific sectors in the port industry, European Commission officials and the representatives of each Member State. A full Read more…

By Juan,

ETA info and factsheets

As part of its communication activities, ETA Secretariat designed a new of type of publication summarizing EU related information: Factsheets and infosheets. This succinct documents aim at informing our members and stakeholders on different relevant EU related topics. With these informative notes ETA Secretariat intends to give a clearer oversight Read more…

By Juan,

Salvage & Wreck Conference

The annual Salvage & Wreck Conference is the largest gathering of salvors, tugs & towing professionals and insurers in the world. This year edition, its 20th, will take place in London, at the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, from the 6th to the 9th of December. Among the speakers, ETA Secretary General, Read more…

By Juan,

ETA Newsletter 45 February 2020

ETA Frebuary´s newsletter focuses on the debates that took place during the European Shipping Week event “50 shades of Green” and the latest developments on the extension of CBER and the European Green Deal. Read the newsletter here Subscribe to our newsletter

By Juan,