IMO meeting defines its emissions policy for the next years

The 70th Meeting of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC70) took place between 24th-28th October. During these negotiations, member states reached a series of agreements which will define the sustainability of shipping in the years to come. IMO members agreed to establish a cap on sulphur emissions, a strategy Read more…

By Juan

ETA participates in a collective campaign to boost EU transport budget

30 European transport associations, representing infrastructure managers, operators, local authorities, users and equipment suppliers in the maritime, inland waterways, railways, road, cycling, aviation and intermodal sectors, call on the European Parliament and the Council to approve the Commission proposal for the review of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework. The proposal foresees Read more…

By Juan

Challenges the shipping industry might face after Brexit

The outcome of the recent British referendum is anticipated to affect numerous industries; the shipping industry can be no exception. Analyses foreseeing either a detrimental or beneficial impact for the shipping industry before and after the referendum have contributed to a blurry environment prevailing today. Dr Martin Stopford, the president Read more…

By Juan

No more criminalisation of seafarers

Fourteen years after the Prestige disaster the Spanish Supreme court has convicted Captain Mangouras to two years in prison for “recklessness resulting in catastrophic environmental damage”. It thereby overturned a previous judgement by the provincial Court of La Coruña which had cleared him of any responsibility. Captain Mangouras, now 81 Read more…

By Juan

Another successful Annual Meeting of ETA

The European Tugowners Association gathered in Edinburgh for its 53rd Annual Meeting between the 11th and 13th May 2016. The event, hosted by Svitzer, attracted one of the largest turnouts of attendees ever with over 140 members and guests from 23 countries having converged from all across Europe to participate Read more…

By Juan