The European Tugowners Association is supporting the ITS Tugtechnology Webinar Week, which will take place between the 29th and the 31st of March. The online events will focus on green marine propulsion, safety and stability, data and digitalisation. These webinars are free-to-attend. Those who register will also receive copies of Read more…
ETA members discussed the adoption and operation of hybrid and LNG tugs
ETA organised its first 2021 webinar on the 17th of February. The event was dedicated to the sector experiences with LNG and hybrid tugs. 90 participants representing the towage industry and its suppliers could follow a rich discussion on the adoption of these greener technologies. The discussions, ably moderated by Steve Dougal Century Marine Read more…
ETA Newsletter February 2023
ETA February´s newsletter focuses on the ETA Sustainable Conference which was dedicated to discussing the electrification of the towage sector. Read the newsletter here. Subscribe to our newsletter
Recovery and Resilience Facility: Transport keeps us moving forward
On 8 February, the European Parliament endorsed the agreement on the Proposal for a Regulation establishing a Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). With a budget of EUR 672.5 billion, the RRF is the EU’s main instrument to recover from the crisis caused by COVID-19. While being hit hard by the Read more…
ETA Webinar: Sector experiences with LNG and hybrid tugs
ETA is organizing its next webinar dedicated to the sector experiences with LNG and hybrid tugs on the 17th of February. The environmental regulations and the targets set out on the maritime industry have put on the forefront the requirement to start looking at cleaner vessels and more environmental friendly Read more…
ETA welcomes the Portuguese Council Presidency
Portugal has replaced Germany at the Presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 January 2021. Under the motto “Time to deliver: a fair, green and digital recovery”, the Portuguese Presidency aims to reinforce Europe’s resilience and confidence in the European social model. The Portuguese Presidency´s main objectives are the Read more…
ETA welcomes the Brexit deal as it will avoid EU-UK trade disruptions
The UK and the EU reached a final agreement on the future of their relationship that will maintain trade fluidity and avert disruptions. The two sides avoided a no-deal scenario in the last minute with an agreement that will ensure fair competition, provide predictability and establishes a new economic partnership Read more…
ETA welcomes the EC’ s new Mobility Strategy and calls for a level playing field in the maritime sector
The European Commission presented on December 10th its new Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. The document will be the foundation for all the EU transport policy and legislative initiatives in the coming years. The measures outlined in the document will help the sector to achieve the objectives set up in Read more…